Haven't Stopped Hammering Nails
As a reminder, I'm driving out nails of discontent and replacing them with nails of thanksgiving. Last night, I got some 9th and 10th graders in on the action--literally. They selected a nail for each thing they're discontent about, and then they hammered them into wood, thinking of something they were thankful for instead. (I learned that prior to this summer's mission trips, we will teach them how to hammer nails.)
56. For a sizable student ministry, because then different ages and social groups can find their places. I take this for granted.
57. For gingerbread
58. And pumpkin
59. And cinnamon
60. And apple
61. And caramel
62. And vanilla
63. And pecan…my favorite scents and flavors, and they’re everywhere right now!
64. For some women who are sharing this journey of “female youth pastor” with me.
65. That I get to teach my son how to pray and to hear his precious words of thanksgiving and requests for help.
66. That my son thanks God for me every night; I know this won’t last forever.
67. For random comments that someone is thinking about me.
68. For a process forcing my family not to just write our budget, but to live by it again.
69. For chances to laugh with (and be flung across the floor by) teenagers.
70. For encouragement from a friend that I look pretty, that I should write more, and that I’ve made a difference. Made my day.
71. For an unexpected lunch with a friend.
72. For the guts to cut my own hair to save money for Christmas. I didn’t think I could do it.
73. That my daughter looks a little bit like me, since my son looks nothing like me, save his pale skin and munchkin size.
74. That my husband found $5 extra and gave it to me; this is HUGE in our current budget.
75. That I’ll be with my family EVERY night next week—that usually only happens on vacation.
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