Summer Intern

May 2001 I began serving in youth ministry.  I was a Summer Youth Ministry Intern.  That summer changed my life.

I am thrilled that beginning in May 2013, I am now mentoring a Summer Student Ministry Intern.  I hope the experience will help this intern discover God’s calling in his life.  I hope he’ll see God work in and through him in amazing and unexpected was.  I hope he’ll see God use him to forever change the lives of teenagers.  I hope this summer will change his life.

At least I’m going into this with realistic expectations:)

I am even more thrilled that PCC’s first-ever Summer Student Ministry Intern is Tanner Iglio.  Tanner has been at PCC since he was a middle school student.  A couple years ago, I had the privilege of dunking him in the James River.  PCC has watched God work in Tanner’s life as a worship leader, a killer drummer, and a leader in the student ministry.  Now that leadership is official. 

Tanner will build relationships with students, giving them an authentic picture of what it looks like to follow Jesus.  He will build into students with leadership potential so that they can join us in leading the student ministry at PCC.  He will connect students with students to provide for lasting ministry when he returns to Hampden Sydney College at the end of the summer.  He will lead our 90-person mission team in nightly devotion, worship, and reflection.

So, welcome Tanner to the PCC team for the summer.  Support him.  Pray for him.  Encourage him.  Have his back.  Help him discern how God has uniquely created him for service and leadership in the church.


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